Solving Today’s Mental
Health Crisis

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, more than 40% of adults in the United States reported symptoms of mental health and substance use disorders in 2021 – roughly a four-fold increase from pre-COVID statistics. For a variety of reasons, many suffered silently without screening or treatment until the mental health or other disease ravaged their lives and drove them to an emergency room – after which they were often forced to wait days or weeks for follow-up appointments. Unfortunately, during that wait, many chose to abandon mental health care due to disease stigma, resource challenges, or disorientation.

The Statistics for Patients with Behavioral Health Issues are Staggering

It doesn’t have to be this way.

ONEcare is an Integrated System of Care (ISOC) deployed by a network of primary care, hospital, and behavioral health providers that coordinates early disease identification, communication, priority access to care, and trust between patients and their care teams. This approach minimizes confusion, opens lines of communication, and empowers patients to seek and continue their behavioral health and substance use treatment. ONEcare networks are self-governed and partner with payers and managed care organizations in pay-for-performance programs which incentivize improved patient health outcomes. Delivering the right care in the right place at the right time means hospital partners and other healthcare facilities see significant decreases in charity care and increases in performance through reduced avoidable bed days and readmissions. More importantly, it helps patients get well faster and stay well longer.

Real People. Technology Enabled.

Our ONEcare networks provide cloud-based e-referral, care navigation, and mobile patient engagement tools all connected to our Clinical Intelligence Engine; the “brain” that is constantly looking for risk factors, gaps, and adverse trends that allow ONEcare providers to anticipate and avoid a patient crisis rather than simply react to one.

Here’s what’s included:

Strategy And Management Services

Expertise in behavioral health comes with a lot of scar tissue and lessons learned. Over the years, we have been honored to partner with legislative, policy, and industry leaders to better integrate payment policies, benefit design, medical/clinical management, and analytic infrastructure within the healthcare system. With unique knowledge in behavioral health condition identification and risk stratification, network assemblage and governance, and alternative payment models (APMs), we have helped guide legislative and public policy that modernizes multi-disciplinary care delivery for the future. Some examples of our work:

  • Developed data normalization and risk stratification algorithms using laboratory, census, and hospital claims in a data-restricted environment. The risk modeler successfully identified and documented multifactorial risk elements driving 30/60/180-day admission and readmission risk.
  • Designed and implemented transitional care management programs leveraging existing CPT codes to better support 7/30-day treatment engagement. Incorporated peer and social care organizations to destigmatize illness and remove life obstacles to treatment adherence.
  • Facilitated inter-organizational (federal, state, county, legislative, hospital, social, and provider) workgroups to identify care transition friction and roadblocks. Worked with parties to streamline patient and partner communications from “factorials to forms,” resulting in a 50% improvement in 14-day appointment show rates.
  • Designed and implemented novel ISOC quality improvement initiatives, including CONVERT ED opiate use detection and Suboxone induction, and pre-discharge PatientLINK virtual care team introductions.

Joining a ONEcare Network means joining a community-driven integrated healthcare system that prioritizes whole-person health every step of the way. ONEcare Networks incorporate dedicated professionals that are committed to providing comprehensive and personalized care to each individual, ensuring that people receive the support and resources they need to thrive. 

We believe in a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on prevention, wellness, and patient-centered care, all while fostering long-lasting relationships built on trust and respect. Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement drives us to support the delivery of the highest quality care possible, so you can feel confident knowing that your health is in good hands. Partnering with our ONEcare Networks opens the door to a healthier future for you and your loved ones, where your well-being is our top priority.


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